Timeline of New Testament Manuscript

Welcome to the New Testament Manuscript Timeline. Click on an event in the timeline above to view details here.

Green, purple, red and brown dots represent different manuscript types, while the other colours represent different extrabiblical writings and historical events.

In the legend on the right you can see the legend for the colours, and filter by event type or manuscript attributes such as Texts and Manuscript family.

Currently, the earliest manuscripts are displayed - click the button below to load more manuscripts.

The source for most of the information here is Wikipedia. Navigate to our infopages to read more about the event types and their attributes, or by clicking the "read more" links in the legend.

This site is in Beta. If you're interested in helping work on it, sign up for our mailing list (you can also just opt to get updates). Though the overall view of the events is accurate, some specific details here and there may be placeholder text generated by AI. When we are done going over it, we will remove this text. If you notice something that's incorrect, we would be very grateful if you would use the mailing list form to let us know about it. You don't have to input an email address.